Sunday 15 September 2013

Ladder Competition

We have a class math competition called the ladder. This game lets children compete against each other to be the fastest to give the correct answer to basic facts, doubles and halves and our next focus times tables.
                         Today was the first day we had a Queen of the Ladder- Well done!!!

Room 14 Week 8 A calendar update.


We have had to reschedule a number of events due to the closed days last week please find the updates below.

Also I have been working on a class blog which will be more for you as parents- the link is below

Tuesday- Junior School Earth Day- 10:30-12:30

                -I am away with the Choir at rehearsal so the children will be in rooms 1,4,5,6

                -Parent workshop with John Parsons Internet Safety.

Wednesday- Room 14 will be going to the ILT Sing Out at The Civic Theatre- I need to leave early with the choir so Room 14  will be going with Room 15 and 16. The bus leaves school at 9am so they must be on time! We will be back around 11:15.

                   -Waihopai’s Got Talent Finals - 1:30 in the hall

Thursday- School Disco – Book Characters and Fairy Tales

Friday- Book Day- Come dressed as your favourite book character.     Swimming notices due back!!

Fiona McLintock

Monday 2 September 2013

For Your Fridge



School Photos

This Wednesday 4th of September

I am away at a rehearsal with the Choir in the morning so the children will work in Rooms 1, 4, 5 or 6 for the morning. Room 14’s photos will be after I return.


Poetry recital

This week is the Junior School Poetry recital afternoon on Thursday 5th September starting at 1:30 in the hall (please note change of date due to school photos)

Well done to everyone who learnt their poem off by heart, and recited it to the class last week. There was quite a variety in poems and we all enjoyed listening to each other.

It has been a challenge to decide which two children to recite their poems on Thursday so Room 14 and 15 got together today to listen to some children recite their poems again.

Congratulations to Kennedy, Katiana and Anna who will be reciting their poems on Thursday.

You are most welcome to join us for this event.


Kid Blog

Challenge 2- on our Kid Blog-



Thank you for the great collection of bottles and cans I think we just about have enough so will make Wednesday the last day to bring these along.


Reading Logs

It has been great to hand out lots of certificates for the number of nights reading children are doing- please make sure this is filled in each night (even if it is your child that fills it in and you sign it J  )


Coming up-


Sock Puppets

On Friday the 13th we are planning on making sock puppets. If you would be able to help us to create our puppets by supervising glue gun use, helping sew on buttons etc could you please fill in the form below! We will be making these between 10:30 and 12.


Earth Day

On Tuesday the 17th the Junior School are holding an Earth Day morning where the children will be mixed up among the junior school and take part in an activity or make something to do with Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


As the ILT Sing Out is coming up I will be away at a couple of rehearsals with our school choir over the next few weeks. On the morning of the 4th of September and then the afternoon of the 17th of September, then we have a performance on the morning of the 18th of September.

 Room 14 will be well looked after by the teachers in Rooms 1, 4, 5 and 6


This blog will be used to communicate with parents and students at home and at school.

Children don't forget to log onto our Kidblog regularly to see what challenges there are!!!